First Post

September 22, 2017

If you are reading this WELCOME to my very first blog post!

My name is Amal. I’m an 18 year old girl living in London who is absolutely obsessed with all things fashion and beauty. I have wanted to start a blog for the longest time and I have finally taken the plunge. I cannot wait to share my favourite products, beauty and fashion tips.

Although I love shopping and living in London, I am well aware that a lot of  popular products that are advertised and events that happen in London  tend to also come with a very large price tag on the side. I want to show that it's not hard to achieve the look you want and enjoy yourself without having to break the bank. I am always looking for new brands and activities to try out, so please don't hesitate to throw a couple of suggestions my way, I'll definitely have a go!

Anyway, that is enough from me now, I'm so excited to finally start this and I hope you enjoy what is to come.

See you soon,

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